Location: Indonesia

Candidate Onboarding Solutions

Optimize your candidate onboarding process with Impress.ai's comprehensive solutions. Our innovative approach ensures a smooth transition, enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity... Read More

Our comprehensive teacher training programs (200hr and 500hr) empower students to deepen their practice and share their passion for yoga with others. We also offer yoga retreats, workshops, and daily... Read More

Peluncuran Aplikasi SundaDigi bersamaan dengan Dies Natalis Unpad ke-66

Universitas Padjadjaran telah meluncurkan sebuah aplikasi bernama SundaDigi bersamaan dengan Dies Natalis UNPAD yang ke-66, melalui Pusat Digitalisasi dan Pengembangan Budaya Sunda. Aplikasi ini dapat diakses oleh siapa saja melalui... Read More

Omkara Yoga School Bali offers a diverse range of classes, workshops, and teacher training programs focusing on alignment, breath awareness, and inner connection. Expert instructors guide students with compassion and... Read More

Enhance your Facebook presence with SmmBros! Buy real and high-quality Facebook likes to increase your posts' visibility and credibility. Our services are designed to provide instant engagement, helping your content... Read More